Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week #4: Egypt

Country: Egypt


Time Allotment
Materials Needed
10 minutes
Students retrieve their travel journals; review the key focus vocabulary. Review facts about Germany and Ukraine. (Practice reading/reciting the Weekly Country Report)
·         Student travel journals
·         Weekly Country Report model/poster
15 minutes
Introduce “Egypt” using the PowerPoint presentation. Have students read the information on the slides aloud; also, fill in the Weekly Country Report using the new information.
Focus on the new vocabulary, and places of interest. Show the students the flash cards for Egyptian places of interest; have them match the images with their names. Have them identify the important facts about Egypt and match them with the vocabulary (currency, population, for example).

·        Egypt PowerPoint presentation
·         Egyptian places of interest flashcards
20 minutes
Students will make their own ‘cartouche’.
Using the Egyptian alphabet of hieroglyphs at the end of the PowerPoint, students will spell their own names on a scrap sheet of paper. When they are ready to draw a final copy, give students strips of paper that have been soaked in tea and then dried; this will make the paper look old. Students then write their names in hieroglyphics and use markers or paint to color.
·         Egyptian alphabet of hieroglyphs (included in the PowerPoint)
·         Scrap paper for practice
·         Paper that has been soaked in tea and then dried
·         Markers and paint

Cartouche example


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week Three: Travel Journals

Week Three
Travel Journal (example)

Topic: Review and Travel Journals
Students making their Travel Journals

Time Allotment
Materials Needed
5 minutes
Personal introductions practice:
My name is ___________________. I am from ________________. I am ____________ years old.
Review/introduce focus vocabulary:
·         Currency
·         Dish
·         Population
·         Capital
·         Continent
·         Model introduction written on board
10 minutes
(Teacher has prepared before students arrive: several sheets of colored paper and many sheets of white paper cut in half)
Each student will receive one sheet of colored paper, and 4 sheets of white paper. Students will fold all of the sheets of paper in half, and insert the white sheets into the colored sheet to create a booklet.
Then, with the help of the teacher, the book will be sewn together along the fold to keep the pages in place.
·         Colored paper (cut in half)
·         White paper (cut in half)
·         Large needle
·         Embroidery thread
15 minutes
Students decorate the cover of their travel journals as seen in the examples using pieces of old map, pages of a book/newspaper, markers and glue.
·         An old map
·         Old pages of a book or newspaper
·         Glue
·         Markers
5 minutes
On the first page of the travel journal, students will write the key vocabulary words, with transcriptions and Ukrainian equivalents.
First page: key vocabulary, translations, and transcriptions
·         Markers
·         Vocabulary and translations
15 minutes
On the second and third pages of the travel journals, students will record their facts about Ukraine and Germany.
Collect journals for student use every consecutive week of the project.
Second and third pages: information about Ukraine and Germany
·         Markers/pens

Some students will want to sew their own Travel Journal; be sure to have lots of adult supervision!

Student examples of completed Travel Journals!

Week Two: Germany

Week Two
Student work: map, flag, and the Rhine River

Country: Germany

Time Allotment
Materials Needed
5 minutes
Personal introductions practice:
My name is ___________________. I am from ________________. I am ____________ years old.
Review/introduce focus vocabulary:
Symbol, Compare, Alike, Different, Fairy Tales
·         Model introduction written on board
10 minutes
Use the Weekly Country Report to review information about Ukraine.
·         Weekly Country Report
15 minutes
Powerpoint about Germany: Have students read the information on the slides aloud; also, fill in the Weekly Country Report using the new information.
·         Germany Powerpoint
5 minutes
Complete a Venn diagram on the board about the differences and similarities between the two countries.
 Discuss why each country is special.
15 minutes
Several tasks
·         Assign two students to complete a map of Ukraine, painted in the colors of the flag.
·         Assign another small group to do the same with Germany.
·         Other students will write out the “Weekly Country Report” for each country to add to the presentations.
·         Other (younger) students may further illustrate the presentations by drawing the national dish, places of interest, famous rivers, etc.
·         Paper
·         Paint/markers
·         Maps of Ukraine and Germany outlined

Student work: review of Ukraine

Week One: Ukraine

Week One
Student map example

Student map example


Country: Ukraine

Time Allotment
Materials Needed
10 minutes
Personal introductions (using a paper ball toss to choose volunteers to share)
Model Introduction:
My name is ___________________. I am from ________________. I am ____________ years old.
·         “Ball” (made of paper and tape)
·         Model introduction written on the board or on a large sheet of paper.
5 minutes
Introduce theme of this year’s English Club: Around the World. Introduce focus vocabulary (with translations in Ukrainian):
·         Currency
·         Dish
·         Population
·         Capital
·         Continent
·         Powerpoint (can be found here)
10—15 minutes
Powerpoint on Ukraine: Students fill in cities, rivers and mountains. Also, in the extra space, students write full sentences about the country using models.
Students complete the “Weekly Country Report.”
·         Paper with blank Ukrainian map for each student
·         Weekly Country Report
10—15 minutes
Sunflower Potato Prints
You (the teacher/facilitator) cut the potatoes in half. Use a circular half to dip in brown paint to create the center of the sunflower. Then, cut the other half into a triangle shape (yellow paint for petals) and an oblong or oval shape (green paint for leaves)
·         Potatoes
·         Knife
·         Paints (green, yellow, brown)
·         Paper
·         Napkins/towels for clean-up

Students painting sunflowers using potatoes

Student examples of potato-painted sunflowers

Another student example