Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week Three: Travel Journals

Week Three
Travel Journal (example)

Topic: Review and Travel Journals
Students making their Travel Journals

Time Allotment
Materials Needed
5 minutes
Personal introductions practice:
My name is ___________________. I am from ________________. I am ____________ years old.
Review/introduce focus vocabulary:
·         Currency
·         Dish
·         Population
·         Capital
·         Continent
·         Model introduction written on board
10 minutes
(Teacher has prepared before students arrive: several sheets of colored paper and many sheets of white paper cut in half)
Each student will receive one sheet of colored paper, and 4 sheets of white paper. Students will fold all of the sheets of paper in half, and insert the white sheets into the colored sheet to create a booklet.
Then, with the help of the teacher, the book will be sewn together along the fold to keep the pages in place.
·         Colored paper (cut in half)
·         White paper (cut in half)
·         Large needle
·         Embroidery thread
15 minutes
Students decorate the cover of their travel journals as seen in the examples using pieces of old map, pages of a book/newspaper, markers and glue.
·         An old map
·         Old pages of a book or newspaper
·         Glue
·         Markers
5 minutes
On the first page of the travel journal, students will write the key vocabulary words, with transcriptions and Ukrainian equivalents.
First page: key vocabulary, translations, and transcriptions
·         Markers
·         Vocabulary and translations
15 minutes
On the second and third pages of the travel journals, students will record their facts about Ukraine and Germany.
Collect journals for student use every consecutive week of the project.
Second and third pages: information about Ukraine and Germany
·         Markers/pens

Some students will want to sew their own Travel Journal; be sure to have lots of adult supervision!

Student examples of completed Travel Journals!

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